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Santuario de San Vicente de Paul
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[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]
Part 2
February 24, 2000 (Thursday)
February 25, 2000 (Friday)

The 2,460-meter volcano appeared to have simmered down,
quietly extruding lava from its crater.
Hundreds of evacuees returned to their homes during the
lull to check or collect firewood, water and clothes.
Many complained of overcrowded evacuation centers at
schools where some families are packed 12 to a room. Others say there
were not enough toilet facilities and drinking water.
Then President Joseph Estrada released some 20 million
pesos for relief fund.
February 26, 2000 (Saturday)
Shortly before noon, the volcano ejected a cloud of ash
500 meters into the sky, accompanied by a loud booming sound.
Around 2:30 p.m., a bigger explosion shot ashes two
kilometers high. The ashes drifted southwest and settled on the
slopes. The thickest ashfall was recorded in Barangay Masarawag,
Guinobatan, around 8 kilometers from the crater.
The more than 47,000 evacuees had been warned to keep
away from the 8-kilometer danger zone. The area was still under Alert
Level 5.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4]